Examining the 10th math final exam based on the classification levels of the SOLO theory

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran and Mahani Math Center, Afzalipour Research Institute, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran



benchmark for evaluating students' mathematical abilities at the national level and help to measure uniformly the knowledge and mathematical abilities across the country. Therefore, it is important to examine these tests from different aspects. One of the three classifications for evaluating the results and level of development of students is Solo classification. The purpose of this research is to investigate the 10th grade mathematics test - coordinated by the country (June 1403) based on Solow's theory. Methods: This research was done descriptive-analytically and with the content analysis method. To evaluate the alignment of coding, Cohen's kappa coefficient is used, which is obtained as 0.83 and has reliable reliability. Findings: The results show that 65% of the issues are at the structural level, 30% at the single-structure level, and 5% at the relationship level, and there are no issues at the generalized abstraction level. Conclusion: These results can help teachers to improve teaching based on students' cognitive level.