The role of social interactions in informal mathematics learning

Document Type : Original Article


M.Sc. student in Mathematics Education, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, IranCountry



Background and Objectives: This study investigated the effects of social activities on informal mathematics learning. The research background shows that informal mathematics learning is influenced by social factors and social interactions can play a vital role in facilitating the understanding of mathematical concepts. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the effects of social activities on informal mathematics learning and provide solutions to improve the educational process in this way. Methods: The research method used in this research is the library and descriptive approach. This method includes a comprehensive review of existing literature, including books, academic journals, conference proceedings, and other relevant documents, to collect information on the topic of the importance of informal mathematics and its role in mathematics education and society. This method enables the identification of patterns and social influences on mathematics learning and leads to a deeper understanding of the role of social interactions. Findings: The findings of this research show that social and group activities strongly have a positive effect on mathematical learning and interactions in small groups can help to better understand complex concepts. In addition, the role of family and society in informal mathematics learning is also emphasized. Also, the obtained findings indicate that the use of new educational methods such as educational games and social workshops and children's activities in markets and society can help facilitate and strengthen learning. Conclusion: The results of this research show that social activities significantly affect the learning and understanding of informal mathematics.